Vina Baćac is located in the area of ​​Pićan municipality, precisely in Kukurini, where the weather conditions allow the production of top quality wines. The Baćac family has 4 hectares of own vineyards located in the vicinity of the Kukurini. The vineyards are 280 meters above the sea level. Family vineyards are located on a white land, allowing them to produce top quality wines. From generation to generation, the knowledge and love of the Istrian country and the production of wine were transmitted. The taste is full, rich, harmonious and complex, and the wine is soft and long. We are currently producing white wines Malvasia, Yellow Muscat, White Muscat, and Cabernet sauvignon and Merlot as red wines. The tradition of Baćac family has been nurtured for three generations, which has resulted in winning gold medals at numerous competitions like gold medals at Vinstra in 2016. for Malvasia, and gold medals for Yellow Muscat in 2013. and at Dionizijana 2017. White Muscat was declared the best at Vinistra in 2017.